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Dennis Brown

Dennis has been the Orchestra's deputy conductor for several years, and conducted the orchestra on a full time basis between September and December 2009 while Malcolm Galloway was unavailable due to a family illness. He was appointed as Principal Conductor in January 2010 and brings us considerable experience of a wide range of different types of music.

Dennis joined the Royal Marines' Band Service as a trumpet player in 1948 and played in bands throughout the world. In 1956 he formed a band in H.M.S. Ark Royal, in his first appointment as a conductor. This was followed by a period training bands for the Fleet Air Arm.

He completed his studies as a student bandsmaster in 1961 at the Royal Marines' School of Music and the next twelve years were spent conducting various bands and orchestras, including many at national and international events.

On retirement from the Royal Marines, Dennis was Director of Music for a youth concert band which performed in France, Germany, Jersey and at Disneyworld, Florida, as well as major events in the U.K.

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