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Clare Dixon

Clare Dixon was a member of the orchestra before leaving to continue her education at university. She has been supporting Cancer Research UK in a number of events throughout the summer which ended by taking part in a sponsored parachute jump on 1st July at Bridlington Sky Sports Centre.

Photos from the skydive can be found here and Clare sends a meesage to all who have supported the events.

Clare writes:

Thank you to everyone who has helped me and supported me throughout my fundraising for Cancer Research UK. It has been a lot of hard work but I have thoroughly enjoyed it and knowing that with everyones help I have raised so much money it has made it more worthwhile.
In total, from all the events and from the sponsored skydive, I have raised in the region of £1700. Final figures aren't in yet, but this is a fantastic achievement.
Thank you to everyone, this would not have been possible without all your support.


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