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The Friends of York Hospitals

Founded in 1953, The Friends of York Hospitals is a registered charity, affiliated to the National Association of the League of Hospital Friends, whose main activities are :-
Volunteers help patients and staff throughout the York Hospitals.

There are teams that provide refreshments on the wards, and in some outpatient units, while the flower team looks after the flowers given to patients.

Volunteer services are being developed at St. Helen's and White Cross Court, which are units for the care and rehabilitation of the elderly, and help is also provided in the Cancer Care Unit, The Children's Centre and the Special Care Baby Unit.

Additionally, some volunteers help in the office, while others assist by raising funds to provide equipment within the hospital. This includes a series of social and fundraising events held throughout the year.

If you would like to take part in these activities, become a member, or for further information, telephone the office on (01904) 726762, or e-mail friendsofyorkhospitals@hotmail.com.

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