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Malcolm Galloway


Malcolm was our conductor between January 1999 and January 2010 when a family illness in 2009 meant that he was no longer able to continue to hold the position. During his time as conductor, the orchestra increased in size and played in many new locations including Selby Abbey, Tadcaster and Wetherby. As well as conducting the orchestra, he accompanied our guest singers on the piano and on several occasions performed as a soloist during the concerts.

Malcolm was born in Headingly, Leeds, and from an early age developed a love of music, singing in a church choir and playing the piano and organ. He first became a church organist at the age of twelve, and at eighteen won an organ scholarship to study with the late Herbert Sumsion at Gloucester Cathedral

He has been the conductor of the YLO since 1999 and also conducts the Sherburn Sinfonietta, a symphony orchestra which he founded in 2005. In addition he is the musical director of the York Rose Singers.

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